Explore Dubrovnik with colibri, part III



Explore Dubrovnik with colibri, part III

In this serie of our "Explore Dubrovnik with colibri" campaign we reveal fortresses and the city walls of Dubrovnik. The campaign starts tomorrow, so stay tuned and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

Let's colibri!

Remind yourself on our first two "Explore Dubrovnik with colibri" campaigns.

• KAŠE BREAKWATER: "It was constructed of huge stone blocks laid over wooden foundations without binder. Large rocks were used to revert it and thus to protect it from the direct impact of the waves. The whole structure was named Kaše after kašeta, an expression used in Dubrovnik for a wooden box (crate)."

• LOKRUM ISLAND: The island is home to plants from all groups of the European Mediterranean region.

• PORPORELA BREAKWATER: On Porporela there is a stone weighing 3159 kilograms which was washed ashore by the storm in 1879.

• St. JOHN’S FORTRESS: It was named after the Church of St. John whose remains are now beneath the Church of Carmen

• ARSENAL: When the construction of new galleons and reparation of large ships began, openings in the harbor were walled in, and after the work was completed they were reopened.

• CITY BELL TOWER: It has been there since 1444, but in 1929 it was rebuilt due to danger of implosion after damage from the earthquake of 1667.

• CITY HARBOUR: In 1484, Dubrovnik architect Paskoje Miličević designed the harbour as we see it today.



• FRANCISCAN MONASTERY: Since 1317 the monastery has housed a pharmacy which is one of the three oldest pharmacies in Europe.

• SIGURATA CONVENT: Mostly women of the people entered this order. They took care of the church and supported themselves by their own handiwork, alms and their heir silk scarves were well-known and admired.

• CONVENT OF ST. CLAIRE: In the 13th century the convent housed a shelter for abandoned children until, in 1432, the city authorities established the city orphanage. The orphanage in this convent is one of the oldest orphanages in the world.

• DOMINICAN MONASTERY: Dominican Monastery was established in 1225 outside the city walls, what was at the time the most vulnerable strategic spot in the eastern part of the Town, and served as a part of the city’s defense system.

• BENEDICTINE MONASTERY: Dubrovnik authorities stationed the Benedictines on the island, indirectly transferring to them the defense of the island, city harbour and city itself. Any attempts to take it over would have initiated an intervention against the usurpers by powerful and eminent church authorities on an international level.

• THE CONVENT OF THE FRANCISCAN SISTERS ON DANČE: The nuns served the dying and sick at home, and supported themselves with handicraft. They were respected because of their modest way of life, and in 1709 they received their official title: Nuns of the Third Order of St. Francis.