About us

About us

The publishing company VEDA LIBAR d.o.o. is a family company established in April of 2014. The name chosen for the company (VEDA = knowledge, LIBAR = book) points to its core business activity: publishing, primarily self-publishing. To us, books have souls, it is with them that we developed our imagination and learned about ourselves: what interests us, what we love, what we are good in, and what might not be so inspiring to us. We hope that our books will arouse your imagination and stimulate your curiosity, in the same way they enriched us.

We have developed a new tourist product - books written in a unique way, according to a pattern skillfully defined in advance, in which the history and culture of a certain tourist destination, city or region "is told" in an extremely fascinating way. Each book contains a DVD with a lavish photo gallery. We are developing the project under the name colibri CROATIA. With these books, visitors will discover the harmony and beauty of the unique natural areas they pay a visit to, as well as the creative diligence, love and skillfulness of the numerous generations that have left an indelible trace of their existence in the towns and cities of Croatia.